Saturday, November 30, 2019
Using the theory of fiscal federalism Essay Example
Using the theory of fiscal federalism Essay There is much economic literature and debate concerning the classic trade-off between a centralized versus decentralized system of local public good provision. The standard problem goes as follows. Most economies around the world are made up of geographically discrete areas. An obvious example is America, which is composed of distinct states, which are often even completely geographically isolated from the whole (Alaska, Hawaii). Each local area has a local public good, the provision of which benefits the local society. However, public goods often have a spillover effect to other districts, in which case, there are benefits accruing to wider society. The subsequent question is that given the existence of benefits to both local and general society, is it more efficient to have a centralized or decentralized system of decision-making and/or financing? The standard approach to the problem of public good provision assumes that in a centralized system, the government will adopt a standardized level of spending for each area. This is in essence a one size fits all result that doesnt show an appreciation of different local requirements. However, while a decentralized system will be able to respond to heterogeneous local needs, local governments will neglect the wider benefits, which accrue citizens and areas beyond their jurisdiction. Drawing on these assumptions, Oates Decentralization Theorem states that in the absence of spillovers a decentralized system is more efficient. Otherwise, Oates claims there will be a trade-off between the extent of heterogeneity in tastes and the degree of spillovers. 1 However, the argument for a decentralized system relies on the assumption that only a decentralized system will cater for local preferences. In fact, while decentralization may be more effective at tailoring public goods to local requirements, a centralized system in no way implies uniformity of provision across districts. We will write a custom essay sample on Using the theory of fiscal federalism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Using the theory of fiscal federalism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Using the theory of fiscal federalism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This logic is neither theoretically, or indeed empirically satisfactory. From a theoretical standpoint it is unclear, Besley and Coates question why it must be the case that a government charged with providing public goods in a centralized system cannot differentiate the levels according to the heterogeneous tastes in each district. 3 An empirical example of centralized differentiation of public good provision is that of federal highway spending in the United States. In the Federal Highway Aid Program a significant proportion of resources have been dedicated to specific projects in the legislators districts. Furthermore, Besley and Coates argue that the general spending formula has been manipulated to target spending to particular favored states. 4 Therefore, I believe that Oates Decentralization Theorem is flawed. A decentralized system may well be preferred as a more efficient arrangement to tailor goods to local needs, but this is not a clear-cut argument, and hence it is difficult and controversial to argue for decentralization solely on this basis. In fact, given that the standard approach is based on a trade-off between non-uniformity (decentralized output) versus spillovers (centralized output), once the constraint that central governments always choose uniform levels of public spending across districts is relaxed, the standard approach suggests that a centralized system will always be preferred. However there is a different case for a decentralized system of provision of local goods, which is based on the theory of fiscal federalism. The argument in this case goes as follows. In a centralized system, local public spending costs are shared creating a conflict of interest between citizens in different areas. When spending decisions are taken by a legislature of locally elected representatives, the conflict of interest for resources will take place in the legislature. Thus, Besley and Coates argue, the drawbacks of centralization stem from the basic conflict of interest among citizens of different districts working through the decision-making process. 5 Spending decisions in the legislator will be determined by a minimum winning coalition of representative, which can creates two major resource allocation problems. Firstly, there will be a misallocation of resources as spending will be skewed towards those areas who have representatives in the winning coalition. Secondly, uncertainty about the makeup of the winning coalition will mean districts are unsure of the amount of public good it will receive. Even if the legislature is committed to maximising the surplus of all its members, this would not necessarily be sufficient to achieve surplus maximizing results, as there would be an incentive for voters to elect representatives which high demand for public spending, and hence lead to overprovision. Hence, Besley and Coates say that: if decisions on local public goods are made by a minimum winning coalition of representatives, the allocation of public goods may be characterized by uncertainty and misallocation across districts. If decisions are made in a more cooperative way, then strategic delegation via elections may produce excessive public spending. 6 The drawbacks of a centralized system stemming from conflicting interests over shared costs might suggest a completely decentralized system whereby decisions are made solely by local government and financed from local taxation. However, as with the standard approach, the drawbacks of the centralized system must be weighed against the benefits of improved coordination of spillovers. If interests are fairly homogenous and spillovers high then a centralized system will produce good results regardless of how the legislature is constituted. This leads Besley and Coates to conclude that, the desiderata determining whether decentralization of centralization is best are the same as under the standard approach. However, the logic is different. 7 So how does this argument relate to the empirical example of the European Union? Unions such as the EU are collectives of nations that jointly decide on the provision of certain supranational goods (such as traditional public goods like defence or legal and regulatory frameworks), which will affect and benefit all members. In a multi country union, some competences are taken away from national control and decided instead at union level. The process of European integration has become far-reaching and quickened in pace. However, Gordon Brown says that the EU must abandon old flawed assumptions that a single market should lead inexorably to fiscal federalism. 8 What is the case for keeping decentralized provision of local public goods or for greater integration in the form of a centralized system of public good provision? The case of centralized system of provision of local public goods rests fundamentally on the trade-off between the internalisation of externalities and the costs of heterogeneity. On the one hand, even when looking at the difficulties that accompany reaching compromises and solutions at EU summits, there is little debate that median preferences in EU member states vary considerably. The efficient level of output of a public good will typically vary from one local jurisdiction to another. Furthermore, there is a worry that coordination of fiscal measures will result in an increase in tax rates in all jurisdictions. However, if the union centralizes to little, it runs the risk of not benefit from externalities, which were a key motivation in the creation of a union and the purpose of attending summits. Two main areas of externality proposed in the fiscal federalism literature are firstly equalisation of welfare across countries, especially targeted at poor relief. And secondly at macroeconomic stabilization. In the case of poor relief, sub-central government will be considerably constrained by the potential mobility of the poor and crucially the tax base. Oates says that this is a basic fiscal externality that results in sub optional levels of support under a purely decentralized system of poor relief. 10 In terms of macroeconomic stabilization, the central government is in a position to influence overall levels of aggregate demand and through tax revenue and transfer payments can respond to changes in the macro-economy. However, the present picture is one where, according to Oates, the central government is not well equipped to take a leading role in addressing Musgravess redistribution and stabilization functions. 11 One response would be to enlarge central government powers, but Oates says that the costs of overall public expansion in the public sector would outweigh the benefits. Instead there is a strong case for decentralization to promote inter-jurisdictional competition to limit growth of public sector on encroaching on the private sector. At the moment, it seems to me that there is too much heterogeneity amongst the European nations, which outweighs externality gains. The integration of Europe has been relatively fast and I believe it will take a longer period for homogeneity of interests across the Union to come about, especially given the integration of the young market economies of Eastern Europe who are lagging behind in economic development. Furthermore, concerning Besley and Coates legislature worries, the EU seems to be dominated by the more powerful countries. For example, amongst the net beneficiaries of CAP (common agricultural policy) are some of the richest countries in the EU. A centralized system of provision of public goods in the EU might suffer from similar problems of a skewing of resources to favour the dominant coalition in the legislature. It seems to me, that the European Union is not yet ready for fiscal federalism.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Contoh Proposal Bahasa Inggris Essay Example
Contoh Proposal Bahasa Inggris Essay Example Contoh Proposal Bahasa Inggris Essay Contoh Proposal Bahasa Inggris Essay However, English is needed by people work in tourism that use in hotel, restaurant, guide, tour and travel an d anymore. Therefore, the writer was observed in SMS Partisan Amtrak and the writer has found the problem in vocabulary learning. The students of SMS Partisan Amtrak still weak in vocabulary when their teacher ask any object but they couldnt answer it and they became bored. In relation to vocabulary teaching, instructional media such as picture has ever y significant roles to motivate the students to learn vocabulary. And make easy to teaching material can be found in book, magazine, and postcard. Those ways of teaching and learning will not make students bored. In general the ability the employ picture in teaching and learning process. Assist the teacher to resent the material and specific instructional objectives easily. Staring from this point the writer is in interested in find out The Effectiveness Of Picture In Teaching New Vocabulary at The Second Year Student Of SMS PARTISAN Amtrak. Question to be solved in this research : Are there any positive effect using picture in teaching vocabulary? . The Purpose Of Study The aim of this research is :To know whether the of picture has positive effect in teaching vocabulary. This study has both theoretical and practical significance : 1. The theoretical significance of this study is that the result will give theoretical information about the important of picture in teaching English vocabulary. B. Practically, the result of the present study are usef ul for : The English teacher in applying picture for language instruction. Encouraging the application of picture as an easy made medium for language instruction. Giving the student an interesting technique of presenting the material in Older to improve their ability to master English vocabulary. D. Improving the writers perception and understanding on teaching g learning strategy. E. Assumption Of The Study The writer would like to state the basic assumption of this study as follows: Picture can be used to stimulate the student interest in studying n ewe vocabulary. Picture can help the student to master English vocabulary. Scope Of Study This investigation is limited to the effectiveness using pictures in teaching new vocabulary on the SMS PARTISAN AMTRAK in Academic year 2012/2013. In this case the use a animal and kinds of transportation and the others pictures in to stimulate the student ability in acquiring new vocabularies. Especially on the four skill of learning English such as speaking listening, reading and writing. G. Definition Of The Key Term. In order to make some key term Leary to void some misunderstanding of the readers. It is important to interpret and to define the meaning of the some key theory dealing with this researches : Effectiveness. The effect is something that is produced by an agency or cause a change, result, consequence ( swan, 1995 : 25) Effective is it solves problem or get a result (awn, 1995: 171). Using picture. Use : the term use stipulates the meaning of using of condition of being us deed (Horny, 1 986 : 1947) Picture is account of description for something that enables one to from a mental picture or impression of it ( Horny, 1989) Teaching Vocabulary. A. Teaching is the process of delivering something to somebody, cause somebody through oral and written terms. Another definition of teaching is giving instruction to somebody, cause somebody to know or able to do something give to somebody knowledge ( Horny, 1 974: 886). Vocabulary is a list of word and often phrases usually arranged alpha ethically and define of translated ( Pie, 1989). CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Concept Of Teaching Vocabulary. Language without vocabulary is nonsense. Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed through listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore this makes clear scapulars makes possible for someone to do communication activities. Here are some vocabulary teaching technique according to Harmer in Saurian it (2008: 12) 1. Basis level words should be though first. It is how the word is the practiced, not how often it is practiced. Some words may be taught though components of meaning. 4. Teaching all Of subject should not separate whit their method, in this case the writer try to use visual media teaching new vocabulary, especially picture media, which is believe can raises students interest, motivation and also can be used as stimulus for students to take their attention. Stated that their are function of teaching media especially visual, they are as follow : Teaching all subject should not be separate from their methods. In this case, to rise he visual media in develop students vocabulary, especially picture media, which is believed a rise interest, motivation and can be used as stimulus for students to draw their ATT emotion. Levi and lent in Fathoms (2009 :08) stated that there are four function of teaching media especially visual media, they are as follow: Attentive function Visual media is the core, to full students interest and to direct students attention. Concentrate the subject, which is interrelated with the means of visual media that participate I n subject material. B. Affective function To know the students contentment level while they are studying reading visual text. Picture or symbol can raise students emotion and attitude, for example when students read information about war and other social life. Cognitive function Visual media can be shown from research invention which covers that visual symbol or picture accelerate comprehension and exacerbate students memories about information car message which is contained in the picture. Compensatory function Teaching media can be shown from research product that is said that visual m Edie can help a weak and show learn in reading to organize information in the text and to recall It b sack. In other words, teaching media is as spirit for a weak learner or student improving and understanding the subject material which can be set out in the form of the text or orally, for example, finding our the meaning of word mile through picture, painting, photograph, etc. Types of vocabulary Learning a language will mean nothing without learning vocabulary. Regarding the types of vocabulary quant in Meridian (2011 : 14 ) categorize vocabulary into four TTY sees : a. Listening vocabulary This type of vocabulary is developed early, since a child begins to recognize sound. It is limited only to the sound, which is associated with his experience. Speaking vocabulary This type vocabulary is also built early, that is time when the child begins to communicate with the surroundings. Although the application Of vocabulary at this Stage is very simple and it contains many of the small function words, that kind of vocabulary can make up a speech. . Vocabulary of reading and writing This types of vocabulary are developed almost at the some time. However, reading scapulars usually comes earlier than vocabulary of writing. These types of vocabulary are recognized when one has the capability of writing. Technique in Teaching Vocabulary In teaching and learning vocabulary, the learners should recognize their needs. This is important, because words are in various kinds, which make it impossible for the teacher to teach all of words. The teacher, then, should find the efficient techniques in the implementation of the teaching process classroom, to make the teacher more ready to teach the student and the teaching learning process will run fluently. The procedures in vocabulary teaching for he lower intermediate which Can be applied in junior high school student: work. Teacher chooses an area or category of vocabulary they want to Teacher ask each student to think of word in the chosen area of v scapulars. C. Each student writes some words on a piece of paper and gives it to the teacher to cheek and keep. Teacher cheek students work and distributed among the student. Each students a piece Of the paper on their table. Match the piece of paper with the correct answer, making sure one gets their on work. Student match the word key have been dealt on the whiteboard with in divination. 3. Teaching Vocabulary To know directly the regress of vocabulary teaching on the students archenemies , the writer should test the students. The writer in this section present only with the description of what to test and the types of test that could be developed in testing vocabulary. Achievement, the writer chosen two types of test that could be developed fill in and multiple choice. Media Of Instructional 1 Teaching media There any many kinds of media, one of them is media of education. Naturally, media of educations have general characteristic as has been expressed by Millennia (20 10: 14). There are . Media of education means an object, which can be touched hear d and seen. ND heard. Eng. The main stress is an the object or other things which can be seen Media of educations is a kind of visual aids in teaching and learn It is used for interaction in teaching between teacher and student s. Media of education is aids, method and also technique which in used to make communication interaction between teacher and students, more effective in teaching and learning process in the classroom. Regarding the last thing above, in this case a creative and imaginative. Teacher are demand to utilized such as easy make media which is easily made by teacher. Social students with be better understood if a teacher discussed the stricture contained in the reading as readiness activity. Question that the teacher can raise about picture may help to motivate students to study. The Else of Teaching Media Teaching vocabulary is the basic part in language teaching. The use of media is therefore, to smoothen in the process of teaching learning activity. Hopefully, the result could be optimally achieved because teaching media has great potential in stimulation and increasing students interest in learning English vocabulary. According to Sudan, (1 992 : 2) teaching media is useful in some ways : It makes the teaching more interesting and it raises students mot ovations. B. It makes the teaching material more clearly easily comprehended by student, which is the main goal of an instruction. It makes the teaching method more varieties, only in which that there is a feed back between the teacher and the student. It gives a lot chances for the students to study because the can do other activities while listening at the some time such as observation action and demonstration Media. Picture Experimental Control Textbook Picture has positive effect Explanation In this case research question for the proposal there are any effective using picture in teaching vocabulary. The writer using quantitative, where in that there are two ways for research. First, the writer chose two groups, one group it is called experimental class, and the second one it is called control class. In experimental class the students use the picture to improving their vocabulary ability, and in control class the students not use the picture but the writer use textbook or traditional method. Hypothesis Of The Study Starting from the problem of this study as started previously, as tentative answer the writer gets the following hypothesis (HA) which is said that picture has positive effective toward the students in teaching new vocabulary.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Problem Solving in Mathematics
Problem Solving in Mathematics The main reason for learning about math is to become a better problem solverà in all aspects of life. Many problems are multistep and require some type of systematic approach. There are a couple of things you need to do when solving problems. Ask yourself exactly what type of information is being asked for:à Is it one of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division?à Then determine all the information that is being given to you in the question. Mathematician George Pà ³lyaââ¬â¢s book, ââ¬Å"How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method,â⬠written in 1957, is a great guide to have on hand. The ideas below, which provide you withà general steps or strategies to solve math problems, are similar to those expressed in Pà ³lyaââ¬â¢s book and should help you untangle even the most complicated math problem. Use Established Procedures Learning how to solve problems in mathematics is knowing what to look for. Math problems often require established procedures and knowing what procedure to apply. To create procedures, you have to be familiar with the problem situation and be able to collect the appropriate information, identify a strategy or strategies, and use the strategy appropriately. Problem-solvingà requires practice. When deciding on methods or procedures to use to solve problems, the first thing you will do is look for clues, which is one of the most important skills in solving problems in mathematics. If you begin to solve problems by looking for clue words, you will find that these words often indicate an operation. Look for Clue Words Think of yourself as a math detective. The first thing to do when you encounter a math problem is to look for clue words. This is one of the most important skills you can develop. If you begin to solve problems by looking for clue words, you will find that those words often indicate an operation. Common clue words for additionà problems: SumTotalIn allPerimeter Common clue words forà subtractionà problems: DifferenceHow much moreExceed Common clue words for multiplication problems: ProductTotalAreaTimes Common clue words for division problems: ShareDistributeQuotientAverage Although clue words will vary a bit from problem to problem, youll soon learn to recognize which words mean what in order to perform the correct operation. Read the Problem Carefully This, of course, means looking for clue words as outlined in the previous section. Once youââ¬â¢ve identified your clue words, highlight or underline them. This will let you know what kind of problem youââ¬â¢re dealing with. Then do the following: Ask yourself if youve seen a problem similar to this one. If so, what is similar about it?What did you need to do in that instance?What facts are you given about this problem?What facts do you still need to find out about this problem? Develop a Plan and Review Your Work Based on what you discovered by reading the problem carefully and identifying similar problems youââ¬â¢ve encountered before, you can then: Define your problem-solving strategy or strategies. This might mean identifying patterns, using known formulas, using sketches, and even guessing and checking.If your strategy doesnt work, it may lead you to an ah-ha moment and to a strategy that does work. If it seems like youââ¬â¢ve solved the problem, ask yourself the following: Does your solution seem probable?Does it answer the initial question?Did you answer using the language in the question?Did you answer using the same units? If you feel confident that the answer is ââ¬Å"yesâ⬠to all questions, consider your problem solved. Tips and Hints Some key questions to consider as you approach the problem may be: What are the keywords in the problem?Do I need a data visual, such as a diagram, list, table, chart, or graph?Is there a formula or equation that Ill need? If so, which one?Will I need to use a calculator? Is there a pattern I can use or follow? Read the problem carefully, and decide on a method to solve the problem. Once youve finished working the problem, check your work and ensure that your answer makes sense and that youve used the same terms and or units in your answer.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
(Annotated Bibliography) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
(Annotated Bibliography) - Essay Example By this, the authors mean how efficiently a product serves it purpose for the predicted period. The article claims that predicting the reliability of a product earlier is important since it helps in detection of aspects such as possible failure or decrease in life cycle. This is crucial since it ensures that the material selected for manufacture of the product is appropriate reducing inspection as well as impromptu maintenance. When making predictions, it is important to consider the environment to which the product will be exposed. This is because the lifecycle may change with environment. Mishra, Pecht, and Goodman (1) list the objectives of reliability prediction as reducing output drawbacks, enhancing maintenance, ensuring that the equipment remains effective, increasing profitability and enable designing of future products that are safer and with lesser failures. The article claims that advancement in technology has increased guarantee and liability of product letdown. This has led to increased product reliability. However, the authors argue that increasing function ability of products such as gate oxide might lead to neglect for reliability. The article posits, ââ¬Å"A reliability prediction for a product is dependent on its structural architecture, material properties, fabrication process, and the life cycle environmentâ⬠(Mishra, Pecht, and Goodman 2). This is because products manufactured from same production line vary in material properties. Variation in material properties during manufacture of semiconductor devices may lead to altered reliability, which affects functioning ability in different environments. For semiconductor devices, the product life cycle is the expected severity and the load conditions such as temperature, pressure, humidity, dust, electromagnetic radiation levels and the environment. The factors and other like acoustic levels, sand,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Family Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3
Family Law - Essay Example of marriage relationships3 have made fair redistribution of financial assets on divorce a daunting task to judges, while the legal advisers and parties remain largely uncertain of the outcome. The present research attempts to understand the legal developments concerning ancillary relief over the past ten years in England and Wales, and analyse to what extent they have been successful in achieving a fair outcome for the parties concerned in such applications. Given the fact that a ââ¬Ëfair outcomeââ¬â¢ in a claim proceeding is influenced by the legislative coverage, the courtââ¬â¢s approach in interpreting the provisions and the complexity rules and procedures, the review of legal developments shall essentially consider the major changes to the legislation, the major developments in case law as well as the changes to the rules and procedures towards achieving a fair outcome for the parties. Ancillary relief ââ¬â the apportioning of financial assets and income of the parties to the marriageââ¬â remains one of the major issues to be resolved on divorce. The basic law and judicial considerations for ancillary relief are contained in Part II of the Matrimonial Causes Act (MCA) 1973, amended by the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 imposing a ââ¬Ëclean breakââ¬â¢ obligation on the courts. Statutory improvements have been impacted the provisions, a review of which shall be endeavoured. The 1973 Act provided courts with the power award maintenance and grant lump sums via division of income, but more significantly to make property adjustment orders, enabling capital division of assets.4 While this by itself was ââ¬Ërevolutionary reforming measure,ââ¬â¢5 as traditionally ancillary relief was limited to only income, the Act made no mention of the pension rights of the spouses, except merely stating it as a ââ¬Ëbenefitââ¬â¢ for consideration while dividing family assets. Considering the fact that during the marriage both parties would have looked to it as a joint fund for their
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Export data into external source (m3) Essay Example for Free
Export data into external source (m3) Essay Explain the Impact of Organisational Policies on the Troubleshooting and Repair Process (P1) Referring to the policies related to the Collegeââ¬â¢s network. Produce an audio recording for the Network manager to explain the impact of their organisational policies on the troubleshooting and repair process. Introduction In this documents, I am going to be explaining the impact of organisational policies on the troubleshooting and repair process, I am going to be talking about the organisational policies, such as considerations e.g. security, costs, systems downtime, disruption, resource allocation, prioritisation, contractual requirements, trend analysis, escalation procedures, documentation, reporting, contractual legal issues. Organisational Policies An organisational policy is expected to do many things. Primarily it should protect people and information, as well as set the rules for expected behaviour by users, system administrators, management and security personnel. It should also authorise relevant personnel to monitor, probe, investigate, define and authorise the consequences of violations, in addition to defining the companyââ¬â¢s baseline stance on security. This can help minimise risk and help track compliance with appropriate regulations. Security This policy is mainly responsible for making sure that all the security detail such as password and user accounts are secure so you have to make sure that you are the only person that uses the account. IT systems Acceptable usage policy requires from users to log off the computer as inappropriate people could get the access to the data that they shouldnââ¬â¢t. The user also shouldnââ¬â¢t install the unauthorized software as this could lead to the issues such as making the equipment unusable by affecting it performance. The users also have to make sure that the equipment is secure during the use of it and after. The users within college are not allowed to connect they own device to the college network if they donââ¬â¢t get authorization from the IT Manager. Costs In term of costs the members of the staff has to make sure that they examine all the purchasing and introduce the environmental criteria to make sure that the equipment meets all the requirements and condition. They are also required to research on the equipment that they are purchasing to make sure that there is no alternatives with are better or cheaper. They also have to encourage the use of recycled paper to make sure that people donââ¬â¢t use it in inappropriate reasons that are not associated with the course as they are spending the college money. If the potential user with in this case is the student brake the equipment the staff have to make sure that it was reported and the person that did it will have to pay back the money for it. Systems Downtime System downtime is usually affected by many issues but they all can be prevented if the right procedures have been taken and the staffs fallow all the legislations. In this case people have to make sure that they have the right equipment for example server. They also should make regular backups so student and teachers work donââ¬â¢t get lost. The regular maintainer should be taken at the end of each week. System downtime could cause a lot of damage as if the system would be down user wouldnââ¬â¢t be able to perform they daily routine. Disruption Disruption is when something unexpected happened and person responsible for that area is not preparing for it. Organization such as College should have plan for everything so in case that something happen they have solution to repair it and prevents it from happening. For example if users lose they work organization should back them up. In order to back the files up they would have to be prepare for this to happen. Resource Allocation All the resources should be right allocated. This mean that there shouldnââ¬â¢t be too much of resources for one place for example you cannot add too much of the paper for the printer as the printer could damage the paper if there are too many resources than it should be the company could lose a lot of money as they might spend money on the unimportant resources. Resources should be well balanced so if the resources are not needed they shouldnââ¬â¢t been used. Prioritisation The company should prioritize some of the aspect when performing repair as they might be more important and they should be repaired first. For example if network is down and at the same time printer is not working. The person that perform repair should concentrate on repairing network instead of printer as without network printer would be useless. Contractual Requirements In a company, the support team staff would be required to work shifts that will provide coverage for the employees when the offices are officially opened, they will also need to provide extra time in the evening and weekends, where they will carry out the essential maintenance which may have to involve some downtime. The hours that an employee will have to work will be set out for them in what is called an employment contract. They will be limited by the EU legislation and some other regulations such as working time regulations, which will provide the basic right and protections such as: A worker can be required to work at most an average of 48 hours a week (though workers can choose to work more if they want to). For night workers there is a limit of an average of 8 hours worked in 24. Night workers are entitled to receive free health assessments. All staff are entitled to 11 hours of rest a day and to one day off each week. When the working day is longer than 6 hours, workers must have an in-work rest break. Workers are entitled to 4 weeks of paid leave per year. These protections may or may not be in place. You should check your contract to find out any special conditions of service before signing. Trend Analysis The records that are kept of incidents and how these are dealt with can provide useful data how successfully the support team are running, so an organisational policy will decide the frequency of analysis and of data and exactly what type of data has to be recorded by the IT supporting team. Trends can then be identified which will then help with the formulation of the plans to provide better and more reliable hardware and software package, it may then also be used to target a form of training for the users who will need them the most. Trend analysis can then also be used to re-allocate budgets and resources to identify the hotspots. Escalation Procedures An escalation process in different support establishments vary depending on the type of service that they have. In a technical support group, this involves setting up thresholds for certain issues to be addressed at certain levels. Typically it is a tiered setup. For example, Tier 1 can handle issues that can be easily resolved by just a phone call and when the Tier1 representative feels that the issue cannot be resolved at his level (if for example the problem cannot be resolved by their team alone and needs to be addressed by other support teams/departments with higher level of authority) it is then escalated or moved to the next higher team. This way the issues are segregated depending on their severity and type of resolution. Documentation The procedures of documentation vary from one sector, or one type, to another. In general, these may involve document drafting, formatting, submitting, reviewing, approving, distributing, reposting and tracking, etc., and are convened by associated SOPs in a regulatory industry. Since a key step in the process management journey is the documentation of current processes and any exceptions to those processes, this article explores how to create a template for your process documentation guide. A template makes the process of documenting your processes repeatable. Repeatable is the word to remember here primary aspects of a process documentation guide should be easily duplicated and reused to create additional guides after the first process has been documented. This repeatability feature makes it less painful to create your documentation as you move through all the processes in an organization. It also provides readers with a common format to follow as they research or review processes within your organization. Reporting Reporting may seem like a simple exercise in transparency but it is more than that. In fact, it gives management an additional opportunity for improvement, through readersââ¬â¢ reactions, criticisms and suggestions. Considering stakeholder views also helps to shape strategy, goals and objectives. All the inputs from direct stakeholders should be carefully reviewed as part of a management learning process to adapt and fine-tune the companyââ¬â¢s sustainable development objectives. Contractual Legal Issues Regardless of whether you use an agency or not, you will require someà knowledge of contract law and the ability to negotiate a suitable agreement. IR35 should be at the forefront of your mind throughout this process if you are to keep as much as possible of your pay packet out of the clutches of the taxman. On the most basic level, any agreement reached with a client must make clear that you are a contractor and not an employee. This distinction should be clear in both the contract and your modus operandi. Primarily, your contract should define exactly what you are agreeing to do for the client. In contrast to an employee, whose work may not be defined at all in the contract, you must make sure that the document clearly lays out the service or services that you are to provide. Conclusion So in conclusion, this document has been explaining the impact of organisational policies on the troubleshooting and repair process, I am going to be talking about the organisational policies, such as considerations e.g. security, costs, systems downtime, disruption, resource allocation, prioritisation, contractual requirements, trend analysis, escalation procedures, documentation, reporting, contractual legal issues. Hopefully, this would help an organisation in the process of troubleshooting and repair.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
Multispeed vs reduced voltage control starter Mohammad Amin Hilal 60061058 CM 2181-2 Miss. Smith March 10, 2014 Table content: 1.0 Introduction Centrifugal pump is a type of pump which increases the pressure of fluid and solid atom mixture over centrifugal force. This is the pump used for slurry pumping. In addition, the pump is also capable of converting electrical energy into slurry potential and kinetic energy. Furthermore, slurry pumps are generally used to carrying corrosive or abrasive high concentration slurry in many industries. The purpose of the report is to compare two different starters for slurry pumping, namely, multispeed and reduced voltage speed control starter, and recommend one based on cost maintenance and efficiency. 2.0 Background The engineering department at KSB Company has assigned me as project manager and has given me the task of researching how to increase the efficiency of slurry pumping in our company. The objective of this report is to examine and select the best starter for the slurry pump based on the performance and the ability of the starter to save energy during the operation. Hence, this report discusses two starters, multispeed control starter and reduced voltage control starter, and analyses the main features of the two. 3.0 Technology This part will illustrate the functionality of both reduced voltage speed and multispeed control starters. Also, this will verify the main features of both the technologies and how these features will be useful in this type of application. 3.1 Reduced Voltage Speed Control Starter in Slurry Pump Energy consumption is one of most serious problem of a slurry pump. Roughly, 20 percent of energy is wasted during the startup of slurry p... ... 129(5), 5. Retrieved from 3.$file/Mining%20brochure_EN_lowres.pdf 4. "Reduced Voltage Start." Reduced Voltage Start. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014 1. 2.$file/PR.AC.01.pdf Richardson, Scott. "Choosing Between Soft Starters and Drives." Choosing Between Soft Starters and Drives. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Dec. 2010. 3. 4. "Variable Speed Drives." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2013.
Monday, November 11, 2019
CST & the Criminal Justice System Essay
ââ¬Å"I am convinced that imprisonment is a way of pretending to solve the problem of crime. It does nothing for the victims of crime, but perpetuates the idea of retribution, thus maintaining the endless cycle of violence in our culture. It is a cruel and useless substitute for the elimination of those conditionsââ¬âpoverty, unemployment, homelessness, desperation, racism, and greedââ¬âwhich are at the root of most punished crime. The crimes of the rich and powerful go mostly unpunished.â⬠(Howard Zinn) This quote simplifies my evolved awareness of the issue concerning crime and the criminal justice system has grown. Beginning this unit I had a basic understanding of crime around the world but had almost zero knowledge about the criminal justice system and as we move on throughout this unit I was completely shocked with the some of the things going on in this very corrupt system. Just through the first activity, California Peace Officers Association: California Prisons Under Pressure, the information presented to me that the flaws of this justice system was in the way it was structured, mainly that jails are overcrowded and understaffed. Also more money is put in jails than education because of the increasing rate of inmates year by year. This activity helped me realize that prisons are very flawed and this impacts the issue of crime and criminal justice system greatly. Another very surprising activity was the PBS Frontline: Case for Innocence, which showed how inmates may be wrongly convicted through false evidence and even DNA such as in the case of Earl Washington who spent almost 18 years in prison because he was falsely charged for murder of a 19 year old girl in Culpepper, Virginia soon to be released because of the lack of evidence in the case to prove him guilty. Stories like these tend to happen more than often because the carelessness put in looking through cases by police officers and even the jury. Also year-by-year the system receives higher and higher advancements in technology, which can be a factor in determining the innocence of a victim accused. After being introduced to the horrible system of justice we talk more about specific reasons of arrests such as child abuse, which is one of the main issues that occur within inmates today. It was very surprising to see that an estimated annual cost of child abuse and neglect in the United States for 2008 was $124 billion, which is something that needs to be dealt with in the near future. Child abuse showed that it may be on of the contributing causes to why many inmates are stuck in prison today, statistics shows that children who face child abuse and neglect are more likely to be involved in criminal activities. This was one of the most surprising statistics that I came across because it showed one of the root causes to why the jail system is overcrowded and this is an issue that can be addressed. We need to regulate more the issue of child abuse because these children are left defenseless such as Emma was to her motherââ¬â¢s boyfriend. Many of these activities showed the structural flaws within the criminal justice system and the crime that occur within the United States but later as we got into more about the death penalty my views on this topic changed greatly. My opinion at first towards the death penalty was that if the crime was gruesome enough then the person should also pay through being put to death but after watching ââ¬Å"Dead Man Walkingâ⬠my opinion on this issue completely changed. It showed me that through counseling and programs showed in the movie, the inmate could truly change for the better. And that we should move forward in the direction of helping rehabilitate the inmate rather than using the death penalty because it is not only expensive but in affective towards the long term goal of living in a progressive and harmonious society. One very positive way to lead us to this society is through restorative justice, which has made a huge positive impact throughout the United States. Restorative justice programs are very affective in places such as prisons and even schools, where weââ¬â¢ve seen the decrease in violence and alternatives to suspension from school such as a face to face supplement which is seen as a much better solution and more affective in high schools. I was very happy to see the restorative justice programs being such a huge success and a step towards fixing the criminal justice system problem. Another great step that is occurring is with the Catholic Church and their movement into stopping the death penalty which is another great way to dealing with the situation through responsibility, restoration, and rehabilitation. The idea of the death penalty seemed completely wrong to me after reading a story from the Murder Victimââ¬â¢s Families for Reconciliation where a women lost her brother but didnââ¬â¢t want to death penalty placed on her brotherââ¬â¢s murderer but to put him in counseling programs because an added death wouldnââ¬â¢ t have solved anything. And seeing the forgiveness and the logic behind this womanââ¬â¢s thinking I saw that the death penalty isnââ¬â¢t an affective way of solving a problem basically a way of ââ¬Å"pretending to solve the problem of crime.â⬠Every single activity and experience throughout this course of this unit was very powerful and influential in developing my awareness and understanding from knowing a few very small facts about the criminal justice system to now a vast majority of statistics and information about this system. Throughout this unit weââ¬â¢ve seen many structural flaws with the death penalty throughout the policies, laws, and institutions presented to us in all the online resources. Some of these flaws are proximate and some are distal. One main flaw we see in the presentation of the death penalty is that is it racially biased. Since 1977 race has been a huge factor when deciding upon the decision if one is guilty or innocent, statistics show that more people have been exe cuted for killing white victims than for killing black victims. The death penalty is also corrupt because it claims innocent lives due to lack of evidence of their wrongful conviction and it is not a deterrent. One of the most important flaws that regards is that the death penalty costs is much more expensive and takes away from other areas in the criminal justice system such as improving the jail systems. This has shown to be more of a huge downfall rather than a improving the criminal justice by implementing the death penalty. The death penalty is still more expensive than alternative sentences, and with counseling that inmate can be rehabilitated. The death penalty is less affective and unnecarsily expensive. We also see that the death penalty looks past issues such as mental illness, these flaws are just the proximate flaws we see in the criminal justice system. There are also many distal causes to the structural flaws we see in the criminal justice system such as poverty, unemployment, homelessness, racism, and greed, which are most likely the reason for most crimes occurring. Because the lack of resources to help each and every one of the these topics the cycle of crime continues to r epeat itself over and over again mainly punishing the same people for the same crimes that they continuously commit. Another huge flaw is the mindset the corrupt government has about the criminal if that crime is committed by a poor, unemployed person the sentencing is twice and more than if a rich and powerful person committed that crime. And again, using the death penalty doesnââ¬â¢t quickly solve any problems in the long term but actually hurts the United States. Through the restorative justice systems we can see a great improvement and slowly we can accomplish decreasing the number of inmates in prison. If someone goes through counseling and rehab there are less likely to repeat the actions in the past that got them in the situation in the first place. Whereas, the death penalty costs so much more and killing someone isnââ¬â¢t going to solve anything. Through structural analysis we can conclude that the criminal justice system is greatly flawed and we need to come together as a nation and help improve the current conditions of this system. The Catholic views on issues and actions regardin g crime and the criminal justice greatly conflict with my newfound views on crime and the criminal justice system. The idea of teaching right from wrong, respecting life and the law, forgiveness and mercy is very good way to address this huge issue. The Church provides the idea that ââ¬Å"society must protectâ⬠its citizen from crime and punish the ones who break the law, which is a great way to help this issue through various ways such as workshops for parents and counseling for anyone who is struggle in this system. This will help solve the problem early on and give the children and other young people a chance in life from committed those mistakes they may have committed without the help of these programs. One great idea is the ââ¬Å"option for the poor and vulnerableâ⬠because the factor of financial issues throughout society is a distal cause to people landing themselves in prisons. People who donââ¬â¢t have the right resources from their childhood tend to look towards crime for various reasons. Proper nutrition, shelter, health care, and protection can be one of the many ways of helping these people to move away from crime. And the Church is doing a great job to address this issue and fulfilling the needs of those who need it through charity and advocacy. These two ideas that the Church has presented are very important surrounding our system of retributive justice. From the policy recommendations the most important to the least important would be protecting society from those who threaten life, inflict harm, take property, and destroy the bonds of community, promote serious efforts toward crime prevention and poverty reduction, challenging the culture of violence and encouraging a culture of life, rejecting simplistic solutions such as three strikes and youââ¬â¢re out and right mandatory sentencing, offering victims the opportunity to participate more fully in the criminal justice process, encouraging innovative programs of restorative justice that provide the opportunity for mediation between victims and offenders and offer restitutions for crimes committed, insisting that punishment has a constructive and rehabilitative purpose, making a serious commitment to confront the pervasive role of addiction and mental illness in crime, e ncouraging spiritual healing and renewal for those who commit crime, treating immigrants justly, and finally placing crime in a community context and building on promising alternatives that empower neighborhoods and towns to restore a sense of security. The first policy I chose was because I agree with the idea of protecting people from violence and crime, if they arenââ¬â¢t expose to it then they are less likely to be involved with things related to violence and crime. Everyone should be able to live in a setting without fear and be able to grow up feeling safe. And when being punished their needs to be a purpose and the punishment needs to be helpful in shaping the person back to the right path in society. The second policy was chosen because the efforts toward crime prevention and poverty reduction are key factors in helping the criminal justice system. Factors such as poverty and discrimination are huge reasons why inmates land themselves in jail and if we can stop this early on through poverty reduction and other programs we can stop these problems early on rather than after the crime is committed. Educating, supporting, and fighting poverty are key aspects in stopping the crime that is going on today. The last policy that was chosen is rejecting right mandatory sentencing; we should do everything to make sure that the punishment fits the crime. Every crime should be analyzed thoroughly and given a punishment regarding that crime and not a solution that is given to every crime because of what is stated. Every crime is different under different circumstances and we should not just take the easy route and remove the criminal from society until they are no longer a danger to us. These policies are very important in implementing through the Church to help the issue of the flawed criminal justice system to be fixed. In conclusion, my understanding of crime and the criminal justice system has greatly evolved in many ways through the activities and experiences we went through in this unit. Two major CST themes that were greatly presented through this unit were Rights and Duties and Common Good. Weââ¬â¢ve seen that many people end up in jail because they donââ¬â¢t have the basic necessities to get by day to day which tend to cause them to look towards crime, Right and Duties states that ââ¬Å"every human has the right to basic material to live a decent life.â⬠Also we see Common Good playing a role in this unit, through the restorative programs we see the changes made by the inmates and how provide with the right teachings, these criminals can really change and benefit the community. Many things that were presented greatly surprised me and made me want to be more involved with this issue because it is a social mission to help the problem within the criminal justice system. Social action is key to help in trying to one day get more restorative programs and help abolish the death penalty for good because two wrongs donââ¬â¢t make a right. In the end I would personally get rid of the death penalty not only because it is expensive and ineffective but because research has greatly shown that through counseling and advocacy programs the inmates gain much more than being put to death. Not only do the inmates benefit from this but also society in general will greatly benefit from these programs because the inmates will come out given a second chance and be positive impacts to the community around them and lead the United States in a more progressive and harmonious society.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How does Black Death Impact the Medieval History Essay
According to Robert s. Gottfried The Black Death, ââ¬Å"the black death was defined as a combination of bubonic, pneumonic, and septicaemic plague strains. It devastated the Western world from 1347 to 1351, killing 25%-50% of Europeââ¬â¢s population and causing or accelerating marked political, economic, social, and cultural changes. People were astounded, bewildered, and terrified.â⬠(Gottfried Robert S., The Black Death; Natural and Human Disaster in Medieval Europe, United State of America, 1985, print, Introduction. ) It is a great plague occurred in Europe in the middle ages and it was an unprecedented disaster in human history. The most important part from the Black Death is the bubonic plague, this plague comes from dead black rats and it will affect from rats to people. This devastating disease was started from the plains of central Asia, then, the plague from rats have spread in Silk Road; additionally, people and things that participated in the Silk Road were carri ed this plague into North Africa and Europe. From Gottfried and Spielvogelââ¬â¢s book, they accounts three main aspects to shows The Black Death drastically influenced medieval Europe, these three parts are Europeanââ¬â¢s economy, population and their psychological. First, The Black Death plays a significant role in the economics part, the disaster was leaded population quickly decreased in Europe. This phenomenon caused the depression across the land, no one have enough time to focus on the farm or to improve the productivity. Moreover, The Black Death also pushed serf system broken fast. People during thirteen century to fourteen century realized it is important to product more and more foods, they started work hard for themselves in order to gain a better life. Moreover, the open trade goes well to the rest of world from 1400 to 1600, like the book said, ââ¬Å"it was a period of transition, in which northern Europe played an increasingly important commercial role, and in which the center of economic activity was sifting from the Mediterranean to the northwest.â⬠In conclusion, The Black Death really change the economic strategy a lot during the medieval Europe.( Gottfried Robert S., The Black Death; Natural and Human Disaster in Medieva l Europe, United State of America, 1985, Print, Chapter 7, P144) Second, The Black Death made famine and population parts were got a hard hit. ââ¬Å"Someà historians estimate that famine killed 10 percent of the European population in the first half of the fourteenth century.â⬠(Spielvogel Jackson J. Western Civilization, Eight Edition, Volume I : To 1715, 2012, 2009, 2006 Wadsworth, Chapter 11, Famine and Population, P307.) Between 1347 to 1351, the plague across almost cities in Europe, it cover such as France, Spain, Germany and more, until 1351, the plague was disappeared in north Europe. The death happened frequently in the populated part and the urban area. On the other hand, famine causes the decrease in population, too. People ate limited food or sometimes they even kept hungry for a long time, in the other words, it meant that long period unhealthy diet has directly impact the population. Third, plague attacked peopleââ¬â¢s psychological area. With the increasing number of mortality, People eventually shows their nature, it also represents the dark side of the human nature. It is hard to make a choice when People faced diseases and family or friendship. An example of the book which accounts that ââ¬Å"one related the word of a child left behind: oh father, why have you abandoned me? â⬠¦ Mother, where have you gone? â⬠(Spielvogel Jackson J. Western Civilization, Eight Edition, Volum e I : To 1715, 2012, 2009, 2006 Wadsworth, Chapter 11, P308.)From the question he or her asked, it is not hard to define that, people in that time were very fear about death and fear to touch with any disease. For those parents who abandon their kids, this cruel behavior were totally broken all the normal human relation. In conclusion, The Black Death made a numerous people suffer in the painful world. But it still was an unavoidable event for the whole word, the disaster bring the social evolution for the whole Europe. In my point of view, I think peopleââ¬â¢s psychological part from the Black Death have made a greater impact on society. Last but not least, The Black Death definitely had a great impact than a war or a person, because it caused a lots of effects on the human and the natural world. Reference: 1. Gottfried Robert S., The Black Death; Natural and Human Disaster in Medieval Europe, United State of America, 1985, print, Introduction. 2. Gottfried Robert S., The Black Death; Natural and Human Disaster in Medieval Europe, United State of America, 1985, Print, Chapter 7, P144 3. Spielvogel Jackson J. Western Civilization, Eight Edition, Volume I : To 1715, 2012, 2009, 2006 Wadsworth, Chapter 11, Famine and Population, P307 4. Spielvogel Jackson J. Western Civilization, Eight Edition, Volume I : To 1715, 2012, 2009, 2006 Wadsworth, Chapter 11, P308
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Essay Sample on Architectural Appreciation A Visit to the Getty Center
Essay Sample on Architectural Appreciation A Visit to the Getty Center Visual art has the power to fascinate any observer that is open to appreciating its manifestation and discerning the hard work that went into its creation. The purpose of this essay is to describe a visit to the Getty Center, which is located in Brentwood, California, and to explain how the visit left the observer with a deeper appreciation for architecture. A few years ago, the observer encountered the external visual experience that encompassed the outer walls of the Getty Center. Whereas the typical visitor would be prompted to enter the building upon arrival in order to discover its content, that was not the initial reaction of the viewer. This particular spectator was instead captivated by the overall design of the exterior of the building. The outline of the building in question was so interesting that it provoked an otherwise architecturally nonobservant individual to take a deeper look. There was something different about this building, although it readily resembles other popular buildings to the casual observer, such as the headquarters of Apple Computers and the Clinton Presidential Library. At first glance, it was quite challenging for the admirer to precisely pinpoint the unique characteristics of the structure. Unlike the other edifices, however, it seemed to blend nicely with its surroundings. The structure had stark blue windows, which blended in with the sky in the background. The white marble that encompassed the structure bore a striking resemblance to the clouds that were present just behind it. With such an architecturally perfect resemblance, the observer wondered whether or not the blending characteristics were implemented intentionally. The observer quickly concluded that the reasoning behind the buildings design may have been in order to make a point, which was that the building ââ¬â like everything else ââ¬â was an extension of nature. Since the admirer lacked basic philosophy skills, he I didnââ¬â¢t even know what that meant, or if it would even make sense to any other individual. Regardless, this prospective explanation seemed to make sense. Even the most casual observer would certainly figure that the colors of the building- blue and white- that blended with their surroundings were designed to foster a sense of harmony between the building and its environment. The observer in question felt a moment of doubt, thinking that perhaps the creator could not have possibly dedicated this much thought to its development, but he soon realized that his speculations were more likely than he originally imagined. The fact is that, the architect is not just a designer, hes an artist. And as an artist, he wants to convey an idea to his audience. Sometimes, this feat is accomplished easily, and sometimes it is not. As this observer quickly noticed, the artist had succeeded in transmitting that very idea. The blue appearance of the windows has the initial effect of pushing the observer away. If, however, he takes an extended moment to look past them, it is possible to imagine what may be located inside. Perhaps this thought is the very first impression that comes to mind when one observes a piece of glass- that perhaps it can reveal the interior. The observer could not help but wonder if this was a way of saying that one should be open with nature, but he was not sure. Upon thinking deeper, he came to the realization that most structures have windows, so this simple thought was not likely the interpretation of a deep, meaningful symbolic transition on the part of the artist who designed the structure. However, the reflective coating that is used on the windows and the objects that they are designed to reflect could very well be an intentional captive of this artist. The initial captivation that the observer experienced with this structure convinced him to stay a little longer in hopes that he could figure out what hidden or contorted inner goals the designer of the building was possibly trying to accomplish through the unique design of the building. It was at that point that he noticed something significant. Certain parts of the building had rounded edges instead of sharp ones. Even though the observers initial nature theory seemed to him to be foolish in the beginning, he started to confirm it at this point. Perhaps the architect felt that sharp edges resembled discord rather than harmony, and opted to go with round ones that blended with surrounding features instead. Instead of entering the building upon his initial encounter of the exterior walls, the observer instead chose to stand outside and admire the architectural talent that had gone into the initial construction of the building. The overwhelming, creative design of the structure had posed a particular uniqueness that seemed almost hypnotic to the observer. Artwork such as this can easily be passed over if one is not patient enough to take a second look. The admirer ended his trip to the building with a sense of pride. Even though he had no way to be absolutely certain if his theories were right or not, he could at least enjoy the satisfaction that he had at least made a genuine effort to interpret the hidden clues that embedded into a structure by an artist. He had also developed a better appreciation for architects and their work through this experience. It was this very experience that convinced the observer to go beyond just watching and observing buildings because of their appearance, but also watching and observing them for their symbolism. The purpose of this essay has been to describe a visit to the Getty Center, which is located in Brentwood, California, and to explain how the visit left the observer with a deeper appreciation for architecture. This particular visit instilled the observer with the ability to stop and take a look at the design of a container before simply observing its contents. If you need custom essays, research papers, term papers, thesis, dissertation on Architecture or other discipline feel free to contact our professional custom writing service.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Career as an Adoption Counselor
Adoption is the process by which a person undertakes parenting of another person and permanently transfers all the rights and responsibilities of biological parents or parents in the process. Unlike custody or other systems designed to take care of young people, adoption is designed to achieve a permanent change in position, so legal or social recognition is necessary to gain social recognition Religious sanctions are necessary. Adoption shifts emphasis from adult adoption to genetics, and to the creation of children and families, and its structure has shifted to allowing reduction in intensity from the recognition of the continuity of adoption and relatives . Introduction Counselors support people in personal, family, educational, mental health, and career decisions and coping with problems (Counselor 1). Although it is part of their work to help students plan universities and careers, the overall function of counselors is to tell students, give advice, listen to questions, deal wit h coping skills Help them stretch out and learn to be good problem solvers and decision makers for them. (Your guidance consultant). Specifically, the school counselor plays an important role. A career counselor, also called an employment counselor or a career counselor, usually provides career counseling outside the school. Their main focus is to help individuals make career decisions. Career consultants will investigate and evaluate client education, training, practical experience, interests, skills, and personality traits. They can arrange capacity tests and performance tests to help clients make their career decisions. They also work with individuals to refine their job search skills, assist clients in finding jobs and applying. In addition, career counselors will support problems of unemployed people, work stress, or other career migration issues. The school counselor needs assistance, regardless of whether you are a high school student, needing information, choosing a career o r talking about personal problems. As a high school graduate, students are aware of their career and the role of counselors in the future. School counselors are there at every stage. School counselors play multiple roles in student life. Prior to this, counselors and students must understand each other so that students feel comfortable. (Working Introduction, 2011) When ... I think that the next important element in multicultural ability is cultural skills. A skilled counselor will use customer-based intervention to meet customer needs. Positive responses are linked to different cultures, communication is important. In multicultural counseling, counselors need to know more about the limits of counseling skills. I feel that acquiring cultural skills is essential to serve multicultural people.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The makeup of a good research question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The makeup of a good research question - Essay Example 3). Examples of these questions would involve the whyââ¬â¢s and howââ¬â¢s of the object being studied. The data format of the answers derived from these questions is textual in nature. Quantitative research questions, on the other hand, aim to ââ¬Å"quantify variation, predict causal relationships, or describe the characteristics of a populationâ⬠(Mack et al., 2011). Questions that explore the differences, relationships, and characteristics of the object being studied, therefore, are quantitative in nature. The answers generated from these questions are usually numerical in nature. These questions sometimes aim to quantify otherwise unquantifiable objects by transforming them into measurable variables and relationships. Another defining characteristic of a quantitative question is its reliance on experiments and surveys as research methods. While quantitative and qualitative research questions differ in the way they attack a research problem, combining them can lead to a more insightful and comprehensive research study. Some studies, for instance, begin with a quantitative question to uncover manifest characteristics of an object being studied and then proceed to a qualitative one to delve deeper into the meanings and relationships within that object. References Brikci, M., & Green, J. (2007). A guide to using qualitative research methodology.
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